
Read about our latest updates and news.

Director Election - Online Voting

Sunday 1 August 2021

This year our director election voting is online. We encourage you to take part in voting for your Directors.

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Sorted Money Week logo

Sorted Money Week

Sunday 1 August 2021

Sorted Money Week is back again from Monday August 9 - Sunday 15, and is building on the theme from 2020 of 'just wondering'. We looked at the most common questions we hear, compared them to those on the Sorted website, and saw some common themes emerge...

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Bluenotes news

August Bluenotes

Sunday 1 August 2021

August Bluenotes has an update from our Chair, a Sorted Money Week Money Penny article, and info about our director election voting.

Debt Consolidation February.png

How Debt Consolidation can save you time and money

Friday 16 July 2021

No matter how good your intentions are when it comes to money, having an honest look at your financial situation can feel a little intimidating even at the best of times.

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Bluenotes news

July Bluenotes

Monday 5 July 2021

July Bluenotes has an update from our CE, an article about Retirement by Money Penny and information about our online election.

Frauds and Scams

What's your retirement number?

Wednesday 30 June 2021

If the thought of whether you’ll have enough to retire on is uncomfortable, there are a couple of numbers you can look at to get an idea of what you’ll need and if it’ll last.

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